Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Compisition Rules

1.) Rule of Thirds: Photo is divided into 9 equal segments. Horizon should be top third or bottom third. Make the subject face the open third.

2.) Balance: Place main subject off center, like rule of thirds, but have another subject less important to fill the empty space.

3.) Lines: Naturally drawn lines, straight, diangonal, zig-zag, etc.- Draws people to the subject.

4.) Symmetry and Patterns: Catches your eye, and has symmetry and/or patterns.
5.) Point of View: Different angles and positions to take the photo from. It can make the image appear big or small.

6.) Background/Foreground: Don't let the subject blend into the background or foreground. Make it so you can focus on the subject by making the background plain.

7.) Depth: Created by having things in the foreground, middle and background.
8.) Framing: Natural frames  isolate main subject, creates a more focused image.

9.) Cropping: Getting close to the subject to eliminate the background.

10.) Break the Rules: Experiment with photos, take many photos see which works best.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I chose this photo because its really clear and simple.

I chose this photo because of how simple it is and the natural framing.

I chose this photo because I like the of the point of view, and how the street is in focus but the lights in the background are blurred.