Tuesday, September 29, 2015

10 Composition Photos

1.) Rule Of Thirds:

2.) Balance:

3.) Lines:

4.) Symmetry and Patterns:

5.) Point Of View:

6.) Background/ Foreground:

7.) Depth:

8.) Framing:

9.) Cropping:

10.) Break The Rules:

Thursday, September 24, 2015

10 Composition Rules

1.) Rule of Thirds: Photo is divided into 9 equal segments. Horizon should be top third or bottom third. Make the subject face the open third.

2.) Balance: Place main subject off center, like rule of thirds, but have another subject less important to fill the empty space.

3.) Lines: Naturally drawn lines, straight, diangonal, zig-zag, etc.- Draws people to the subject.

4.) Symmetry and Patterns: Catches your eye, and has symmetry and/or patterns.

5.) Point of View: Different angles and positions to take the photo from. It can make the image appear big or small.

6.) Background/Foreground: Don't let the subject blend into the background or foreground. Make it so you can focus on the subject by making the background plain.

7.) Depth: Created by having things in the foreground, middle and background.

8.) Framing: Natural frames  isolate main subject, creates a more focused image.

9.) Cropping: Getting close to the subject to eliminate the background.

10.) Break the Rules: Experiment with photos, take many photos see which works best.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

First Photowalk

I chose this photo because I like the perspective and the simplicity of it.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


I chose this photo because I like the natural framing of her face from the bars, and due to fact that it is black and white it creates the mood for the photo along with her facial expression.

I think this is a great photo because of the point of view of it, it creates a different perspective, and also because of the point of view they chose, it allows the water to act as a background which keeps it from being too busy.