Tuesday, October 13, 2015


I chose this for energy because light is an example of energy, and its on the third.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Fall Photos

I chose this photo because I like the point of view and how the background is not distracting

I chose this photo also because of the point of view and how it is a good representation of fall

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

10 Composition Photos

1.) Rule Of Thirds:

2.) Balance:

3.) Lines:

4.) Symmetry and Patterns:

5.) Point Of View:

6.) Background/ Foreground:

7.) Depth:

8.) Framing:

9.) Cropping:

10.) Break The Rules:

Thursday, September 24, 2015

10 Composition Rules

1.) Rule of Thirds: Photo is divided into 9 equal segments. Horizon should be top third or bottom third. Make the subject face the open third.

2.) Balance: Place main subject off center, like rule of thirds, but have another subject less important to fill the empty space.

3.) Lines: Naturally drawn lines, straight, diangonal, zig-zag, etc.- Draws people to the subject.

4.) Symmetry and Patterns: Catches your eye, and has symmetry and/or patterns.

5.) Point of View: Different angles and positions to take the photo from. It can make the image appear big or small.

6.) Background/Foreground: Don't let the subject blend into the background or foreground. Make it so you can focus on the subject by making the background plain.

7.) Depth: Created by having things in the foreground, middle and background.

8.) Framing: Natural frames  isolate main subject, creates a more focused image.

9.) Cropping: Getting close to the subject to eliminate the background.

10.) Break the Rules: Experiment with photos, take many photos see which works best.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

First Photowalk

I chose this photo because I like the perspective and the simplicity of it.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


I chose this photo because I like the natural framing of her face from the bars, and due to fact that it is black and white it creates the mood for the photo along with her facial expression.

I think this is a great photo because of the point of view of it, it creates a different perspective, and also because of the point of view they chose, it allows the water to act as a background which keeps it from being too busy.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Humans of Bend

-"What is favorite thing about Bend?"
-"Being close to the river and mountains, and friendly people."
(It was her birthday)

-"What is your favorite thing about your job?"
-"Getting to work with kids, it's one of my favorite things to do."

Friday, March 20, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015

Exposure Notes/Examples

Exposure: Exposure is the amount of  light allowed into the camera.
-A properly exposed photo combines a number of elements.
ISOISO measures the sensitivity of the image sensor– the lower the number the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain.

Aperture: The size of the opening  of the lens when a picture is taken.

Shutter Speed:The amount of time the shutter is open.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lighting Notes

1.) Broad Lighting: Broad lighting is when the subject’s face is slightly turned away from the center, and the side of the face which is toward the camera is in the light. This produces a larger area of light on the face, and a shadow side which appears smaller.
2.) Butterfly Lighting: Butterfly Lighting creates a butterfly shaped shadow under the nose by placing the main light source above and directly behind the camera.
3) Loop Lighting: Loop lighting is made by creating a small shadow of the subjects noses on their cheeks. To create loop lighting, the light source must be slightly higher than eye level and about 30-45 degrees from the camera.
